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Presenting a Report

Report View

Now we’re done editing, so click the Report View button at the top right of the page.

header bar

This will turn off the editor, so we can read the report without accidentally clicking on any buttons.

Presentation View

Every Thorntale report is also a presentation. Switch into Presentation View by clicking the Present button at the top right of the page.

This will bring you into full-screen presentation mode. Use the arrow keys, mouse, or spacebar to navigate, and use [ESC] to exit.


Often, you’ll want more context in your report than in your presentation.

If you’re presenting to an audience, the presentation may only have a few charts or bullet points, while you talk through your story. On the other hand, a report is a document that’s meant to be read while you aren’t around to present or answer audience questions.

In order to support these different levels of context, blocks or pages in Thorntale reports can be marked Report-Only.

Switch back to Edit Mode. Let’s add a Report-Only annotation to our chart using the /reportonly command.

report-only block

Now try looking at this page in Presentation View and Report View. The Report-Only section will only appear in Report View.

You can also mark entire pages Report-Only by clicking the eye symbol in the page settings menu bar.

Public and Private Reports

By default, reports are private. Only you can view or edit a report.